According to an article by Associated Press writer Jay Root, when they installed the brand-new, first-time-ever metal detectors at the state capitol building on May 21st, they set up an alternate line for concealed-carry license holders that bypasses the metal detectors.
That’s right, boys and girls, you can STILL carry your concealed handgun into the capitol building. That has always been true…God Bless Texas…and it’s good to see nothing is changing in that respect.
Of course, the usual suspects are all twitterpated over this—including Root himself, apparently. In his article, he uses some of the typical phraseology favored by anti-gun zealots...“pack heat,” “gun toting citizenry,” “lock-and-load culture,” “gun-packing visitors.” And no article on handguns would be “complete” without a statement from the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence.
According to Root, Brady Campaign spokesman Peter Hamm said, “If you’re planning on perpetrating something in the state capitol, you should simply get a concealed handgun license and show your gun on the way in. It’s just ludicrous.”
No, Mr. Hamm, your theory is ludicrous. If someone is planning to perpetrate evil inside a secured area, they will find a way, gun or no-gun. Any truly disturbed individual will find a way to get something inside…or more likely, use something already inside.
As for getting a license solely for the purpose of bringing chaos and havoc, let’s look at what the requirements are:
- Paying a $140 fee to the state;
- Submitting info on where you’ve lived and worked for the past 10 years;
- Submitting two sets of fingerprint cards and passport photos;
- Paying approx. $100 (+ ammo) for a lengthy, mandatory class on Texas law concerning concealed carry, non-violent conflict resolution, and lethal force usage;
- Surviving an extensive background check to determine if you:
- have any felony convictions,
- have any Class A or B misdemeanor convictions within the past five years,
- are currently charged with or fugitive from an offense,
- have had any felony-level “delinquent conduct” within the last 10 years,
- are ineligible to purchase a handgun under state and Federal law,
- are delinquent on any state, county, or local taxes,
- have ever been hospitalized for mental illness,
- are chemically dependent,
- are delinquent on child support,
- are under a restraining order/protective order related to domestic violence.
No, as has been proven time and again, restrictions on handgun possession mean nothing to criminals — by definition, they could care less about the law and are going to do whatever they want. And as has also been proven time and again, armed citizens can and do interrupt and/or prevent criminal activity by their very presence.
So, next time you visit the Texas State Capitol, don’t worry about leaving your pistol unattended in your easily-stolen car while you’re inside. Just make sure you have your license ready to show to Security at the front door. God Bless Texas. God Save America.