Recommended Nourishment for the Mind

[NOTE:  The following links have not been vetted by me personally. I am not versed on the Web site authors' conclusions, recommendations, or interpretations in their footnotes; please do not assume I agree with their viewpoint.]
  • The Bible (in particular, Paul's epistle to the Romans and the Gospel of John)
  • The Declaration of Independence
  • The Constitution of the United States of America
  • The Federalist Papers. Three Founding Fathers (John Jay, James Madison, and Alexander Hamilton) explain to the nation the "original intent" of the creators of the U.S. Constitution, detailing the design and purposes of the new government.
  • 1984 by George Orwell
  • A Time For Choosing (AKA "The Speech") -- Ronald Reagan's address to the 1964 Republican National Convention in support of Barry Goldwater (30 min.)
    [This is the speech that started the Conservative Revolution and brought Reagan into the national political spotlight. While the statistics are dated (and boring), the values expressed are the heart of conservatism.]