October 31, 2011

My Candidates

 OK, it’s time to make a commitment. I have already decided who my candidate is for U.S. Senate from Texas — Ted Cruz, the only proven conservative in the race. Time to take a stand for President in 2012.
 As a conservative, it is a foregone conclusion that I will NOT be voting for a Democrat…the last Democrat that I might have voted for was Harry Truman…MAYBE. Of course, that race was 10 years before I was born. Having voted for Debra Medina in the Republican Gubernatorial Primary, I’m not prepared to put Rick Perry in the Oval Office. Mitt Romney? Well, let’s just say I’m not going to vote for someone who lost a primary to John McCain. Ditto for Huckabee, Giuliani, and the rest from 2008. (The sole exception to this would be Fred Thompson…if he ever finds the fire-in-the-belly again, I’d vote for him.)
 Of all the remaining candidates currently declared, I have seen three that I could happily call “Commander-In-Chief.” And while there is no perfect candidate available (and probably never will be), there is one that has the fewest negatives and the best positives based on what I want from a candidate: Herman Cain.
 I can already hear the groans from some (and cheers from others). I reiterate: there is no perfect candidate! While there may be some nuts-and-bolts stances I don’t completely agree with, Herman Cain is focused on the correct issues—economy, invasion (AKA illegal immigration), overspending, over regulation—and has viable solutions for them.
 How do I know he is on the right track? What makes me think he has a chance to win? Simple: liberals don’t waste time and effort trashing candidates that they aren’t afraid of. They are petrified by the thought of a Cain candidacy. [For those of you new here, I use “liberal,” “progressive,” “Marxist,” and “utopian” interchangeably.]
 Most of it has to do with the fact that, by liberal definition, he is an oxymoron—a black conservative. As far as liberals are concerned, they “own” the black vote…and you thought slavery was dead! Any black who dares cross the line and consider himself conservative challenges the left’s claim as the sole voice for minorities in America…and instantly becomes an “Uncle Tom,” or worse. And heaven forbid that conservatives could ever vote for a black man because of his policies! Think I’m joking? Listen to what MSNBC contributor Karen Finney has to say about the Cain candidacy:

 Notice the assumptions here: 1) all white Republicans are racist, 2) all white Republicans are racist, and 3) all white Republicans are racist.
 Worse yet, Herman Cain has the support of the Tea Party. This makes Cain the ultimate “Uncle Tom”; to liberal minds, there’s no way a group of “racists” could ever support an “authentic” black candidate…he must be shuckin’ and jivin’ for the masters.
 Uncomfortable with that last sentence? GOOD! It means you understand how disgusting this whole line of reasoning is. That it is coming from the LEFT should tell you a little about how they really think about life in general.
 Liberals are colorblind…as long as you’re talking about liberal blacks, or liberal Hispanics, or liberal Asians. But as soon as a “minority” candidate speaks out for conservatism or against liberalism (not necessarily the same thing), which voices are the first to question the authenticity of that person’s racial credentials? If you want to win that bet, put your money on the liberals.
 [The last five paragraphs were a bit of a rabbit trail, but it needed to be said.]
 Anyway, unless new valid information comes along that trumps all of the positives in Cain’s column, I am supporting him for President of the United States in 2012. The stakes are too high and the task ahead too immense for us to put our trust in a traditional politician.
 Herman Cain and Ted Cruz have the skills to bring us back from the brink of catastrophe. I ask that you give them each a serious look as you make up your minds about who can best reverse four years of disastrous policies.

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