October 7, 2011

“…Where Men Were Free.”

 Okay, I’ve officially given up on pretending this is going to be a traditional “blog”…I just don’t have the time to sit down and vent every time something pushes my buttons and short, pithy paragraphs only tease my appetite for writing. For those of you who have checked back here over the last three months expecting to see something new, I apologize.
 I always try to wait until I have something profound to relate before sitting down to make an entry here…maybe that’s why nothing has been posted for so long. Perhaps I should just let the words flow and not worry so much about how insightful or cutting-edge they might be. Read that as: “Don’t be so full of yourself, Nathan—just write.”

 I have been on the “off-cycle” lately when it comes to listening to the voices on conservative radio. I’ve learned that if I don’t back off every so often, I let the state of affairs in our country twist me up in knots to the point I can’t function clearly. Not that I would for a minute waste time listening to liberal radio…if I want the state-sanctioned view of life, all I have to do is watch NBC, ABC, CBS or any of their “news” off-shoots languishing in the ratings cellar on cable. My “male bovine excrement” meter works just fine, thank you very much.
 What I have noticed more and more is that nothing much has really changed over the last 40 years. We still have left-wing ideologues (masquerading as educators) indoctrinating our children in universities and colleges around the country, with very few standout institutions left (Hillsdale College being a prime example of the latter).
 Democrats (Liberals/Progressives/Marxists/Utopians/take-your-pick) always say that more money—yours, not theirs—is the answer to every problem and that government is the be-all-end-all solution to mankind’s shortcomings.
 Moderates are constantly basing their positions and actions on what Liberals will think about them…more interested in being liked by the establishment media than in being right, more interested in compromise than in standing on principle.
 Those Republicans that don’t identify themselves as Moderates still delineate themselves as Social-Conservatives or Fiscal-Conservatives, each often eyeing the other with ill-concealed loathing and opening the door for Moderate candidates to “bridge the gap” in a brotherly expression of compromise that usually results in the Democrat candidate winning the race — why vote for “Liberal Lite” when you can have the real thing?
 But something changed slightly over the last few election cycles: real Conservatives started winning…and winning BIG. What often goes unreported about the 2010 election is that not only the U.S. House of Representatives, but a majority of state legislatures went Republican…and for the most part, those candidates were Conservatives, not Moderates.
 Don’t believe the disinformation spread by the Democratic Party and the liberal media: ours is not a liberal society, it is predominately conservative. According to Gallop polling, 2011 is the third straight year that those identifying themselves as “conservative” (41%) outnumber “moderates” (36%) and “liberals” (21%)…with conservatives outnumbering liberals by almost 2:1! Just try to prove that by listening to the nightly news.
 We have to quit listening to those who say we have to go along to get along; that ship sailed with John McCain. [I heard someone from the McCain campaign complain that if someone other than Sarah Palin had been on the ticket, the race would have been too close to call. What a moron! Palin on the ticket is what prevented it from being a 49-state landslide for Obama!]
 “OK, Nathan, you’ve been rambling on for awhile now…what’s your point?” My point is, we are reaching a tipping point in our history. For the last hundred years, those who detest our capitalist way of life, our societal exceptionalism, our status as the world’s last superpower have been firmly ensconced in the halls of academia. But now, they are firmly ensconced in the halls of power and running the country!
 We are rapidly running out of time to turn the tide…some say it’s already too late. It’s time for us to wake up, for each of us to make a difference in whatever way we can—voting, campaigning, speaking, writing, praying—to reclaim our country before it is lost forever.
 President Ronald Reagan made many profound statements over his lifetime, but one in particular rings even truer today than when he originally said it:
“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States, where men were free.”

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